The Wetlands Initiative’s Smart Wetland Team along with our partners Marshall-Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District and McCuskey Farms invite you to attend a field day on June 29, 2023, at the first Smart Wetland in Marshall County, IL.
This wetland was built during the COVID shutdown in 2021 and now that it is operational, the partners are inviting the public to stop by on June 29, 2023 to stop be and see one of the newest Smart Wetlands.
May 30, 2023
See How a Smart Wetland Reduces Excess Nutrients from Illinois Waters
Marshall County, IL -- Two years ago, this Marshall County farm field looked like most of Illinois’ 12
million acres of tile-drained cropland. But, in September 2021, a local contractor moved over 6,000 cubic
yards of earth here to create a Smart Wetland. You are welcome to see the resulting tile-treatment
wetland at a field day on Thursday, June 29, and learn about the wetland’s naturally occurring processes
that break down the nitrate in the ag tile drainage before the water flows into nearby water bodies.
Smart Wetlands are specifically located and custom-designed constructed wetlands to fit within today’s
farming operation to remove nutrients. MK Farm Drainage Specialists built the 1.83-acre wetland at
McCuskey Farms under the direction of the Marshall-Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District (M-P
SWCD) and the Wetlands Initiative (TWI) through their Smart Wetlands program. Martin McCluskey
owns the farm, and Rex Newton has farmed it for over 30 years.
The free field day is co-hosted by TWI, McCuskey Farms and M-P SWCD. Rex Newton, staff from M-P
SWCD and TWI, along with other organizations that support sustainable ag and conservation practices
will be on hand to answer questions The public, especially farmers, farmland owners, and agribusiness
professionals, are invited to visit the site between 11 am and 2 pm on June 29. A free lunch will be
served at noon along with presentations on various sustainable concepts and an update on the US Farm
In addition, there will be an event later in the day from 4–7 pm for the public, conservation
professionals, and hunters interested in seeing how this practice with native marsh vegetation can
provide habitat for wildlife, waterfowl, and pollinators and recreational opportunities for landowners on
their property. M-P SWCD and TWI staff, along with other conservation professionals will be on hand to answer questions. Snacks and drinks will be served.
The Smart Wetland installation site is located west of Henry, IL, near the intersection of Marshall County Road 500 East and County Road 1400 North, along the Scholes Branch Creek.
Media Advisory: To arrange interviews with Rex Newton, farmer; Jill Kostel, wetland designer; or Jill Ketter, M-P SWCD, please get in touch with Jean McGuire, TWI Field Outreach Specialist, 515-520-3036, or Stacy Williamson, Marshall-Putnam SWCD Administrative Coordinator at 309-364-3913 x3. In addition, details about the field day will be available at:
This event is supported by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under agreement number 2022-38640- 37486 through the North Central Region SARE program under project number LNC22-465. USDA is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the view of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.