What is The Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy?

The Illinois Nutrient Loss Reduction Strategy was developed by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, the Illinois Department of Agriculture, and representatives from state and federal agencies, agriculture, non-profit organizations, wastewater treatment professionals, and academic institutions.

The 2015 strategy (and subsequent reports) provides a nutrient loss assessment on a watershed basis and recommends a comprehensive suite of best management practices for reducing nutrient loads from wastewater treatment plants (point source) and urban and agricultural (non-point source) runoff. Our strategy’s goals are by 2025 to reduce total phosphorus by 25% and nitrate-nitrogen by 15% and then reduce total phosphorus and total nitrogen by 45% in the near future. Check out this video to learn more about why the U.S. EPA has involved Illinois and other Midwest states in this effort.

Marshall County Wetland #1, November 2022

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