Smart Wetlands

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Nothing but Gratitude for our farmers, funders and partners

2022 was a busy year for the Wetland Initiative’s Smart Wetland Team. We constructed two new wetlands at Feather Prairie Farm near Dwight, IL this year for both wildlife habitat and water quality improvement. Meanwhile, the Smart Wetland built in 2021 at McCuskey Farms near Henry, IL is fully operational and working hard to remove nutrients.

We continued to work on developing more wetlands that we hope to build in 2023. And our team continued to spread the word about tile-treatment wetlands and their effectiveness as a conservation solution across various agricultural audiences and forums.

None of this would have been possible without the strong partnerships and collaborations TWI has formed with so many folks.

Thank you to our funders, partner organizations, collaborating farmers, and all those who made 2022 a year to remember.

Our Funders and partners for 2022 include

1 Mississippi
Bureau County Soil and Water Conservation District
Ducks Unlimited
Feather Prairie Farm
Fishers & Farmers Partnership
Grand Victoria Foundation
Illinois Central College
Illinois Land Improvement Contractors Association
Illinois Sustainable Ag Partnership
Livingston County Soil and Water Conservation District
Marshall-Putnam Soil and Water Conservation District
MSU Farmer-led Conservation & Watershed Protection Mini-Grant
Pheasants Forever
Springfield Plastics Inc.
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
US Fish and Wildlife Service – Partners for Fish and Wildlife program
Vermilion Headwaters Partnership
Walton Family Foundation
Zea Mays Foundation (IL Corn Growers Association)