Illinois Constructed Wetland References
Illinois NRCS Constructed Wetland 656 Standard and Guidance
Izadmehr, M., & Rockne, K.J. 2018. “Pocket wetlands” for nutrient removal in tile-drained agriculture. Conference Proceedings: World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2018. DOI: 10.1061/9780784481400.038
Izadmehr, M. 2021. The Impact of Wetland Biogeochemistry and Hydraulic Loading on Tile Drainage Nutrient Removal Efficiency. The University of Illinois at Chicago, Ph.D. dissertation.
Levey, M. 2018. Can farm wetlands in Illinois stop a dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico? Chicago Magazine. June.
VanZomeren, C., Berkowitz, J., Lemke, A. & Kirkham, K. 2019. Soil P Storage Capacity in Agricultural Treatment Wetlands: Can a System Designed for N Reduction Also Retain P? Wetlands 40. DOI: 10.1007/s13157-019-01205-3.
Iowa CREP Wetland References
Iowa CREP Water Quality Monitoring Reports:
Crumpton, W.G., Stenback, G.A., Fisher, S.W., Stenback, J.Z., & Green, D. 2020. Water quality performance of wetlands receiving non‐point source nitrogen loads: Nitrate and total nitrogen removal efficiency and controlling factors Journal of Environmental Quality 49(3). htpps://
Crumpton, W.G., Kovacic, D., Hey, D., & Kostel, J. 2008. Potential of wetlands to reduce agricultural nutrient export to water resources in the Corn Belt. In Final Report: Gulf Hypoxia and Local Water Quality Concerns Workshop (pp. 29–42). St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Crumpton, W.G., Stenback, G.A., Miller, B.A., & Helmers, M.J. 2007. Potential benefits of wetland filters for tile drainage systems: Impact on nitrate loads to Mississippi River subbasins (Project IOW06682). Washington, DC: USDA.
General Constructed/Treatment Wetland References
Bastviken, S.F., Weisner, S.E.B, Thiere, G., Svensson, J.M., Ehde, P.M., & Tonderski, K.S. 2009. Effects of vegetation and hydraulic load on seasonal nitrate removal in treatment wetlands. Ecological Engineering, 35, 946–952.
Braskerud, B.C. 2002. Factors affecting nitrogen retention in small constructed wetlands treating agricultural non-point source pollution. Ecological Engineering, 18, 351–370.
Dell'Abate, M.T., Benedetti, A. & Brookes, P.C. 2003. Hyphenated techniques of thermal analysis for characterisation of soil humic substances. Journal of Separation Science 26(5): 433-440.
Kadlec, R.H. 2012. Constructed marshes for nitrate removal. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 42, 934–1005.
Kadlec, R.H., & Wallace, S.D. 2009. Treatment wetlands (2nd ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press
Kayranli, B., Scholz, M., Mustafa, A., & Hedmark, A. 2010. Carbon Storage and Fluxes within Freshwater Wetlands: A Critical Review. Wetlands 30, 111–124.
Lopez-Capel, E., Sohi, S., Gaunt, J., & Manning, D. 2005. Use of thermogravimetry–differential scanning calorimetry to characterize modelable soil organic matter fractions. Soil Science Society of America Journal 69(1): 136-140. https//
Mitsch, W. J., Zhang, L., Waletzko, E., & Bernal, B. 2014. Validation of the ecosystem services of created wetlands: Two decades of plant succession, nutrient retention, and carbon sequestration in experimental riverine marshes. Ecological Engineering, 72, 11–24.
Nguyen, L. M. 2000. Organic matter composition, microbial biomass and microbial activity in gravel-bed constructed wetlands treating farm dairy wastewaters." Ecological Engineering 16(2): 199-221.
Salgado, J., Proupín, J., Villanueva, M., Rodríguez-Añón, J.A., & Barros, N. 2009. Effect of the soil uses on their thermal stability. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 99(3): 911-916.
Tanner, C.C., & Kadlec, R.H. 2013. Influence of hydrological regime on wetland attenuation of diffuse agricultural nitrate losses. Ecological Engineering, 56, 79–88.